Region #16 News and Information
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Dr. Trey Gordon Work Number: 425-919-2582 Email: Dr. Trey Gordon |
Section Leaders Conference 2020 was virtual!
Section Leaders Conferences (SLC) are conducted in even numbered years and Regional Planning Meetings (RPM) are conducted in odd numbered years. RPMs allow section leaders from sections within geographics regions to meet. Meeting virtually may change these names in the future, although meeting face to face does allow for team building events.
In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, ASNT hosted the Section Leaders Conference 2020 (SLC) virtually on Friday, 31 July and Saturday 1 August. ASNT delivered the same high-quality leader training that section officers have come to expect.
SLC is a training conference for current and future section leaders as well as a refresher for regional directors.
Themes of Connect, Communicate and Meet along with timely topics for ASNT sections were presented as challenges created by the Covid-19 pandemic were faced.
A meet-and-greet session was held on Friday for section leaders and Regional Directors (RD) to get to know each other. On Saturday real-time presentations and pre-recorded videos followed three main themes of Connect, Communicate and Meet. A general Q&A and discussion session followed the presentations.
- Connect -
Learning how to stay connected with section members during these trying times.
- Communicate –
Learning how to keep the lines of communication open with section members during COVID-19.
- Meet –
Options for new approaches to holding section meetings were explored.
Holding this event virtually allowed leaders to attend without their section having to spend sometimes limited resources.
Guidelines for Using Section Operations Seal of Excellence
ISC guidelines for using the Seal of Excellence is a must read for anyone using the Section's Seal of Excellence. (click here to read)
Year in Review as reported by ISC
Move red 'focus lens' with mouse to view selected adjacent enlargement of area within 'focus-lens'.
SLC is a training conference for current and future section leaders as well as a refresher for regional directors.
Themes of Connect, Communicate and Meet along with timely topics for ASNT sections were presented as challenges created by the Covid-19 pandemic were faced.
A meet-and-greet session was held on Friday for section leaders and Regional Directors (RD) to get to know each other. On Saturday real-time presentations and pre-recorded videos followed three main themes of Connect, Communicate and Meet. A general Q&A and discussion session followed the presentations.
- Connect -
Learning how to stay connected with section members during these trying times.
- Communicate –
Learning how to keep the lines of communication open with section members during COVID-19.
- Meet –
Options for new approaches to holding section meetings were explored.
Holding this event virtually allowed leaders to attend without their section having to spend sometimes limited resources.
Guidelines for Using Section Operations Seal of Excellence
ISC guidelines for using the Seal of Excellence is a must read for anyone using the Section's Seal of Excellence. (click here to read)
Year in Review as reported by ISC
Move red 'focus lens' with mouse to view selected adjacent enlargement of area within 'focus-lens'.
Photos of Lewis and Clark section Teams participating in the Golf Tournament 2019
The Pacific Northwest section was represented by sponsorship, a player and the Region 16 Director on August 10, 2019 at the Lewis and Clark section Golf Tournament to assist in funding the NDT Student Scholarship program. Approximately $4,000 was raised towards Non-destructive Testing student scholarships. The tournament was similar to that sponsored by the Pacific Northwest section on June 15, 2019. The major difference being that a shotgun start was not used.
Stump the Experts revived
After too long of an absence from the local section this friendly competion between sections is being revived by the Lewis and Clark section. A "Stump the Experts" jeopardy style game challenge between Linn-Benton Community College (LBCC) in Albany Oregon and Clover Park Technical College (CPTC) in Puyallup, WA. has been accepted. The two Colleges will meet via a 3-way video 'Zoom Teleconferencing' with Lewis and Clark co-chair Curt Powell hosting from Portland.
Questions will be derived by the members of the Lewis and Clark section at a future meeting. The game will likely take place early this fall. It is hope that this friendly competition will continue in future year.
Recap by ISC
View all photos from RPM19 here
Twenty-five section leaders, including 5 Regional Directors (RD), representing 14 sections gathered in Las Vegas, NV to participate in an all-day training meeting hosted by ASNT Secretary/Treasurer and Region 15 RD, Michael McGloin. The RPM began on Friday, 7 June with a group dinner where attendees got a chance to get to know one another. On Saturday, 8 June, McGloin and Brenda Collins, Section Operations Council (SOC) chair, kicked off the meeting by speaking to the attendees about the impact they can have on the Society by getting involved nationally as well as with SOC committees. Section leaders also received instruction on how to find technical meeting speakers, increase meeting participation, generate revenue and instuction on IRS and ASNT reporting requirements. The meeting also provided opportunities for the leaders to learn from one another by sharing their success stories and asking for suggestions and ways to address their section's challenges. Following the meeting, attendees gathered for dinner to get answers to any outstanding questions that may have gone unanswered during the meeting and to continue their networking conversations. ASNT ISC will now begin planning the 2020 Section Leaders Conference (SLC) to take place in June in Columbus, OH. Be sure to budget to send an officer(s) to this two-day training meeting. If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Segor at
2018 Fall Conference Recap by ISC
The 2018 Annual Conference in Houston was a tremendous success for the global NDT community as it brought thousands of attendees from around the world to share innovations, present new knowledge, and have meaningful networking to NDT professionals, business leaders, suppliers, and industry stakeholders. From the Opening Reception to the last technical session, this year’s event truly exemplified, “Where the NDT World Comes Together.” The December 2018 Materials Evaluation provided a robust wrap-up feature article highlighting the world class experiences provided at this event. There is an extensive photo album of the many moments captured by the event photographers. Click here to view the Annual Conference photos. (
2017 Fall Conference Recap
The 2017 ASNT Fall Conference was held in the Music City (Nashville, Tennessee) 30 October - 2 November 2017. The conference was sponsored by Olympus, Magnaflux, Acuren, Sentinel, CarestreamNDT, FlawTech, Varex Imaging, Sherwin, Spellman, Yxlon, and Hellier.
Approximately 200 local high school students attended Science Technology Engineering and Math (S.T.E.M.) activities for on Tuesday, October 31.
This conference was one of the best attended with some 2,000 attendees, more than 120 presentations and more than 200 exhibitors in the trade show.
The Keynote speaker on October 31, 2017 was Mr. Robin Crow of Dark Horse Recording. His presentation included several guitar solos (hey, this is Nashville)
but was about keeping businesses sustainable and increasing profitability as a result of the effort.
The Mehl Honor Award Lecture on Nov. 1, 2017 was by Pacific Northwest section member Dr. Richard H. Bossi, award winner of the 2017 Mehl Honor Award, His presentation centered around Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) application in aerospace applications and inspection. Dr. Bossi is also the February 18, 2018 speaker for the Pacific Northwest section.
The Plenary Lecture was by Mr. John Stewart of the American Aerospace Technical Academy (AATA) on Nov. 2, 2017. His talk
centered around keeping technicians abreast of technologies to remain competitive with advancing technologies.
Participants from Region 16 included at least 5 members from the Pacific Northwest section and 2 from the Alaska section.
Emery E. Roberts
Mistras Level III VT, CR
ASNT Region 16 director
March 2017
Are You Using TNT?
Each quarter, sections are sent bulk copies of The NDT Technician (TNT) to distribute at meetings and events. Please take this
short survey to tell us how you use the TNT and if you would still like to receive them: TNT Usage Survey
Regional Director Nominations Results
The call for odd-numbered Regional Director (RD) nominations concluded on March 1st. We are happy to announce that three new RD nominations were received. Congratulations to John Moran who will serve as RD for Region 1, Dick Hooper who will serve as RD for Region 7 and Mark Dahn who will serve as RD for Region 13.
Thank you to the RDs who agreed to serve another term:
-   --> Region 3 - Bill Via
-   --> Region 5 - Hussein Sadek
-   --> Region 9 - Joe Clasen
-   --> Region 11 - Yi-Cheng (Peter) Pan
-   --> Region 15 - Michael McGloin
-   --> Region 17 - Joaquin Gutierrez
-   --> Region 19 - Marwan Basrawi
-   --> Region 21 - John Kinsey
Even-numbered Regional Director elections will occur again in even numbered years.
Who's Next?
It's a simple question we're trying to answer. With a growing community of NDT professionals on all continents, we're asking: who are our next ASNT members? Earn prizes for helping to grow your society by recruiting the NEXT new ASNT member.
In addition to individual recruiters earning prizes, so will your section when it reaches its recruiter participation goal.
Achieving sections will earn the section a portable mini LED projector, perfect for delivering technical presentations.
If you need more recruiting materials for your section, please email Debbie Segor with your request.
Our Mission Makes a Statement
We want to make sure that sections are using the correct ASNT mission statement:
"ASNT exists to create a safer world by advancing scientific, engineering, and technical knowledge in the field of nondestructive testing".
The mission statement was updated in April 2016. If your section uses the mission statement on promotional pieces or its
website, please be sure to use the correct mission statement.
February 2017
Snooze or Lose: Update your ASNT Microsite
At the request of section leaders, ISC developed section microsites so that sections would have a web presence to promote meetings, events, and keep in touch with theirmembers and potential members. Most people search for information online; therefore, having a presence on the Web provides information to your current section and prospective members.
Microsites were first issued to sections in May 2015, and since then, 35 sections have been issued a website. Several webinars have been scheduled over the years to demonstrate to section volunteers how to access their administrative pages, populate and update their sites with information and see other section’s website examples.
According to Net Market Share, the number of people using internet search engines is increasing year on year and is almost unfathomable. At 6,586,013,574 searches a day worldwide, which in “word-terms” equates to six billion, five hundred eighty-six million, thirteen thousand, five hundred and seventy four.
To read more from this article click here
Recruiter Kits
ASNT officially kicked off the Who's Next? recruitment campaign on November 1, 2016. Active sections should have received recruiter kits and distributed them to members. We are pretty excited about the campaign and would love to hear what you think about the baseball cards that highlight ASNT past and present.
Take a picture showing you and your favorite card and email it to: We will post the photo on the Section Leaders Connection page in ASNT Community. We encourage you to get creative. The first volunteer to submit a photo will receive an ASNT 75th Anniversary Cookbook. Prizes will also be awarded for creativity and to the member living the farthest away from Columbus, OH.
Regional Director Elections
Regional Director (RD) candidate nominations for odd numbered Regions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 & 19 are being sought through March 1st. So far, nominations
for Regions 1, 5, 15, 19 and 21 have been received. If you are a current RD and want to renew for another 2-year term, please email to: and let her know.
Candidate eligibility criteria can be found at: .
Make sure your Section has the support and representation it deserves by nominating (or re-nominating) RD candidates today! Please submit names of the eligible members in your area by e-mail to Debbie Segor at: by Wednesday, 1 March 2017.
2017 Regional Planning Meetings
Dates and locations for the 2017 Regional Planning Meetings (RPMs) are almost set! RPMs occur on opposite years of Section Leaders Conference (SLC) and are your opportunity to network with fellow section leaders, share best practices and learn tips for managing an effective section. RPMs will take place in:
- - Region 19 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates - April 8th
- - Region 12 - Chicago, IL - May 6th
- - Region 15 - Las Vegas, NC - May 20th
- - Regions 3 & 4 - Richmond, VA - June TBD
There is no registration fee to attend this section leader training. Traditionally, sections covers their leader’s travel and lodging expenses. Check with your section's treasurer to see if your section has budgeted to send leaders to a 2017 RPM.
Meet Local Section Leaders in Jacksonville
If you are attending the 26th ASNT Research Symposium in Jacksonville, FL 13 – 16 March 2017, make sure that you make time to attend the Meet Local Section Leaders event scheduled on Tuesday, March 14th from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm. This Section Operations Council-sponsored event provides members and section leaders the opportunity to meet and exchange information about NDT activities going on in their local areas.
Engineers Week - February 19th - 25th
During the week of February 19 - 25, the engineering community celebrates Engineers Week which promotes the difference engineers make in our world.
If your section is participating in a Discover-e Engineers Week activity, we would like to know about it. Please send us pictures or use social media to link to ASNT's social media outlets. ASNT’s social media handle is @ASNTinfo on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn if you want to tag or mention ASNT and have it show on our page. To create more buzz, use these hashtags (using more than one increases reach):#ASNT and #NDT.
If you have any questions regarding social media, please contact Dana Sims, Public Relations and Brand Manager, at
Let's Talk Communication, Regional Directors!
The best way to communicate to your section members is to use the ASNT online Section Management Tool. You can use the tool to send emails to your section and to print a section roster. Because the tool is linked to the ISC’s member database, your emails will be sent to the most current roster of section members.
Regional Directors (RD) also can use the tool to send emails to their sections. RDs can send emails to either section leaders or to section leaders and section members. RDs can configure the recipient list by sections within their region. RDs can opt to send an email to all sections within their region or to any combination of sections within the region. The list of available sections is limited to those affiliated to the RDs particular region.
Submit Section News for Publication in Materials Evaluation
Earn President’s Award points by submitting a meeting summary and photographs for Section News. Submit news and photos to:
January 2017
Board Member Visits
In addition to your technical speakers, remember to invite members of the ASNT Board of directors to speak at one of your meetings. Inviting a member of the Board to visit your section provides national perspective, the latest ASNT news and offers a forum for dialog between local and national influencers.
Please contact Debbie Segor: if your section is interested in scheduling a visit. These visits are coordinated through Debbie to ensure fairness to all sections requesting visits.
Nominating Committee
2017 may have just begun, but it is time to start thinking about and planning for section elections for the 2017 – 2018 section year. Reviewing your section’s bylaws is the first place to begin. Your bylaws should serve as a guide to your section’s officer election process. If your bylaws are current, which means that your section is no longer using the old constitution and bylaws format, the bylaws will contain a paragraph about member voting and the procedures for candidate nominations. Some bylaws may require the appointment of a nominating committee of which the bylaws will indicate who should serve on the committee. The bylaws may also specify the month in which the nominating committee should be presented to the section members and which month the election should take place.
To read more from this article, click here
Who’s Next? Membership Campaign
Section chairs, or if a section has a membership director, will soon be receiving the 2016 – 2017 Who’s Next? membership campaign kit. The kit will contain campaign materials, i.e., brochures, conversation starters, applications, and pens for distribution to section members to recruit new members. We encourage chairs and membership directors to explain the importance of sustaining and expanding your section’s membership. If you’re planning a recruitment kick-off at an upcoming meeting and want to recognize section members who participated in the last campaign, please contact Debbie Segor: for a list of recruiter names. Recruiters will be recognized and rewarded for their participation in the campaign. Sections will also receive a mini portable LED projector when their section reaches its assigned recruiter goal.
To read more from this article, click here
Are You A STEM Genius?
As you may have read in previous issues of Materials Evaluation or the member eNewsletters, ASNT conducts Day of Stem workshops for local students and teachers in cities where national ASNT conferences are hosted. These STEM workshops are designed to provide a fun introduction to NDT and NDT methods by providing hands-on experiments and demonstrations to show how NDT relates to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) curricula. For most students who have attended one of these workshops, it was the first time they had ever heard of NDT.
You can help add impact to these STEM workshops by sharing your ideas for hands-on experiments that teach or demonstrate NDT methods and discipline. Some hands-on demos we use now include:
To read more from this article, click here
Accepting Award Nominations Now
Do you know members deserving of recognition for their contributions to NDT or the Society? If yes, nominate them for an ASNT recognition, honor or award today! Submission deadlines are fast approaching. Visit for submission timeline, eligibility requirements and to nominate.
Submit an Article to The NDT Technician
Share your stories and insights into the NDT profession by submitting a paper to The NDT Technician. Published quarterly, The NDT Technician focuses on NDT practitioners engaged in field applications of NDT. Typical themes include interpretation skills, methodology, problem-solving procedures for everyday challenges, practical applications with data and results, and technology trends. Not sure what to write about? Many of the presentations conducted at Section meetings would make great features. We will work with you on crafting a quality article that speaks to TNT readers.
Contributors to The NDT Technician earn three ASNT recertification points per published paper (1000 word min.). To receive credit, the individual must have contributed at least 10 percent of the content of the paper.
Please contact TNT Editor Toni Kervina, at to submit or with any questions.
By The Numbers
20 Sections budgeted to send volunteers to a 2017 Regional Planning Meeting (RPM); the average amounted budgeted was $1500.00. At the 2015 RPM, 23 section leaders attended the meeting held in Las Vegas, NV. We are busy planning the 2017 RPMs to take place in late April and early to mid May in the following cities:
- • Chicago, IL
- • Dubai, UAE
- • Las Vegas, NV
- • Richmond, VA
More information will be available in the next few weeks.
November 2016
Section Outreach Resources
If your section is conducting section outreach by visiting schools to spread the word about NDT, don’t forget that the ASNT International Service Center (ISC) can send your
section brochures and ASNT-logoed giveaways to distribute to your audience. ISC has a variety of brochures, DVDs and giveaways for audiences including elementary, middle, and
high-school students as well as college students. For more information, please contact Debbie Segor at:
Use of ASNT Logos and Marks
To better assist sections and section leaders, ISC asks that sections be mindful of the use of the ASNT logos and marks. ASNT has a registered trademark, and the ASNT
Board Policy G-14C explains the permissible uses of ASNT’s name and marks.
Each ASNT section may use the letter combination “ASNT”, the name “The American Society for Nondestructive Testing,” and the three-globe logo having the letters “ASNT” on
their publications to section members and in connection with the promotion and conduct of ASNT events and ASNT branded activities which the section sponsors and which are in
the nature of education, dissemination of ASNT published information, and professional development and for its official business related to these events and activities.
To read more from this article, click here
Section Meeting Attendance
Section leaders, ISC would like to know who is attending your section meetings, i.e., how many students are attending vs. Level 2s vs. Level 3s vs. educators vs. retired members.
Use this survey form to enter the information for your September, October and November meetings. We appreciate your help in keeping track of section meeting attendance.
Who’s Next? ASNT Membership Campaign Begins.
ASNT’s membership campaign – Who’s Next? – officially began on 1 November 2016 and runs through 31 October 2017. We need our members help to answer the question, “Who’s Next?”
With our members serving as recruiters, ASNT continues to grow each year expanding membership across the globe. An expanding membership strengthens sections by increasing the
pool of volunteers needed to serve on committees or to work in a leadership capacity. New members bring fresh ideas, passion and enrich section and ASNT programs.
ASNT Section’s play a vital role in new member recruitment efforts. Your sections help make personal connections and put a face on ASNT. Sponsoring members who recruit new
members win great prizes too. And this year, sections have the opportunity to earn a prize - a mini-led projector - when meeting their recruiter goal.
To read more from this article, click here.
Regional Director Elections for Odd-Numbered Regions
We are now accepting Regional Director (RD) candidate nominations for odd-numbered Regions. If you are a current member with local section officer experience, then you are an
ideal candidate and should apply. For more information about RD responsibilities, qualifications and how to apply, please visit
Make sure your Section has the support and representation it deserves by electing (or re-electing) RD candidates today! Please submit names of the eligible members in
your area by e-mail to Debbie Segor ( by Wednesday, March 1, 2017.
Member Privacy
Updates were made to the Report of Officers form to reflect the change in the Section Management Tool. Each section can designate two (2) officers who can send out emails via
the section management tool and one (1) officer who can print the section roster to be used as a sign-in sheet for section meetings.
The ASNT Section Management Tool was designed with our members’ privacy in mind, email addresses are not visible to members. Protecting the personal information of our members
is important, and information included in the roster should not be disclosed.
For those sections who produce a print or online yearbook, please be sure to get section member’s permission to list their name in the yearbook. Section members should be sent
an email enabling them to opt out if they do not want their name included in the yearbook.
Become a Peer Reviewer
Materials Evaluation and NDTMarketplace can always use volunteer reviewers to look at feature and technical papers for technical accuracy and relevance. Reviewers should be
Level III subject-matter experts. Recertification points are available for reviewing papers.
As a peer reviewer, you would use your expertise to:
- -- Review text and figures for accuracy
- -- Review text for completeness
- -- Identify areas for improving content
- -- Take quizzes and tests to ensure answers are correct and questions are worded appropriately
- -- Provide corrections and recommendations to the Publications Department
For more information,
Contact Toni Kervina, M.E. Associate Editor, NDTMarketplace Products Editor,, TEL: 800.222.2768 X205
Accepting Award Nominations Now
Deadlines are fast approaching for the Outstanding Paper in Materials Evaluation Award and the Outstanding Paper in Research in Nondestructive Evaluation Award. Submissions for
each of these awards is 31 January 2017.
ASNT Awards with December deadlines include the Faculty Grant and the Student Travel Grant. The Faculty Grant provides an annual incentive to faculty members in engineering
programs to revise their existing course(s) or to develop new courses to teach nondestructive testing and evaluation by providing financial resources for this purpose. Requests
for grants up to $10,000 are considered.
To read more from this article, click here.
Ricky Morgan
CHAIR Brenda Collins
VICE CHAIR Jerry Fulin
Jocelyn Langlois
William F. Via Jr.
We want you to actively participate in our council which meets in person at the Annual and Spring Conferences and online via ASNT Community/Section Operations Council.
ASNT Sections 2015-2016 Review
Region 16: Most Scholarship $$$
- Of the $7,000 donated by ASNT sections for student scholarships,
Region 16 donated $4,500 or 64%.
- Columbia River Section - 1 at $2,500
- Pacific Northwest Section - 2 at $1,000
Encouraging the next generation of NDT Professionals and ASNT Members.
Way to go Region 16!
26th Research Symposium
Mistras Level III VT, CR
ASNT Region 16 director
March 2017
Are You Using TNT?
Each quarter, sections are sent bulk copies of The NDT Technician (TNT) to distribute at meetings and events. Please take this short survey to tell us how you use the TNT and if you would still like to receive them: TNT Usage Survey
Regional Director Nominations Results
The call for odd-numbered Regional Director (RD) nominations concluded on March 1st. We are happy to announce that three new RD nominations were received. Congratulations to John Moran who will serve as RD for Region 1, Dick Hooper who will serve as RD for Region 7 and Mark Dahn who will serve as RD for Region 13.
Thank you to the RDs who agreed to serve another term:
-   --> Region 3 - Bill Via
-   --> Region 5 - Hussein Sadek
-   --> Region 9 - Joe Clasen
-   --> Region 11 - Yi-Cheng (Peter) Pan
-   --> Region 15 - Michael McGloin
-   --> Region 17 - Joaquin Gutierrez
-   --> Region 19 - Marwan Basrawi
-   --> Region 21 - John Kinsey
Even-numbered Regional Director elections will occur again in even numbered years.
Who's Next?
It's a simple question we're trying to answer. With a growing community of NDT professionals on all continents, we're asking: who are our next ASNT members? Earn prizes for helping to grow your society by recruiting the NEXT new ASNT member.
In addition to individual recruiters earning prizes, so will your section when it reaches its recruiter participation goal. Achieving sections will earn the section a portable mini LED projector, perfect for delivering technical presentations.
If you need more recruiting materials for your section, please email Debbie Segor with your request.
Our Mission Makes a Statement
We want to make sure that sections are using the correct ASNT mission statement:
"ASNT exists to create a safer world by advancing scientific, engineering, and technical knowledge in the field of nondestructive testing".
The mission statement was updated in April 2016. If your section uses the mission statement on promotional pieces or its website, please be sure to use the correct mission statement.
February 2017
Snooze or Lose: Update your ASNT Microsite
At the request of section leaders, ISC developed section microsites so that sections would have a web presence to promote meetings, events, and keep in touch with theirmembers and potential members. Most people search for information online; therefore, having a presence on the Web provides information to your current section and prospective members.
Microsites were first issued to sections in May 2015, and since then, 35 sections have been issued a website. Several webinars have been scheduled over the years to demonstrate to section volunteers how to access their administrative pages, populate and update their sites with information and see other section’s website examples.
According to Net Market Share, the number of people using internet search engines is increasing year on year and is almost unfathomable. At 6,586,013,574 searches a day worldwide, which in “word-terms” equates to six billion, five hundred eighty-six million, thirteen thousand, five hundred and seventy four.
To read more from this article click here
Recruiter Kits
ASNT officially kicked off the Who's Next? recruitment campaign on November 1, 2016. Active sections should have received recruiter kits and distributed them to members. We are pretty excited about the campaign and would love to hear what you think about the baseball cards that highlight ASNT past and present.
Take a picture showing you and your favorite card and email it to: We will post the photo on the Section Leaders Connection page in ASNT Community. We encourage you to get creative. The first volunteer to submit a photo will receive an ASNT 75th Anniversary Cookbook. Prizes will also be awarded for creativity and to the member living the farthest away from Columbus, OH.
Regional Director Elections
Regional Director (RD) candidate nominations for odd numbered Regions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 & 19 are being sought through March 1st. So far, nominations for Regions 1, 5, 15, 19 and 21 have been received. If you are a current RD and want to renew for another 2-year term, please email to: and let her know.
Candidate eligibility criteria can be found at: .
Make sure your Section has the support and representation it deserves by nominating (or re-nominating) RD candidates today! Please submit names of the eligible members in your area by e-mail to Debbie Segor at: by Wednesday, 1 March 2017.
2017 Regional Planning Meetings
Dates and locations for the 2017 Regional Planning Meetings (RPMs) are almost set! RPMs occur on opposite years of Section Leaders Conference (SLC) and are your opportunity to network with fellow section leaders, share best practices and learn tips for managing an effective section. RPMs will take place in:
- - Region 19 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates - April 8th
- - Region 12 - Chicago, IL - May 6th
- - Region 15 - Las Vegas, NC - May 20th
- - Regions 3 & 4 - Richmond, VA - June TBD
There is no registration fee to attend this section leader training. Traditionally, sections covers their leader’s travel and lodging expenses. Check with your section's treasurer to see if your section has budgeted to send leaders to a 2017 RPM.
Meet Local Section Leaders in Jacksonville
If you are attending the 26th ASNT Research Symposium in Jacksonville, FL 13 – 16 March 2017, make sure that you make time to attend the Meet Local Section Leaders event scheduled on Tuesday, March 14th from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm. This Section Operations Council-sponsored event provides members and section leaders the opportunity to meet and exchange information about NDT activities going on in their local areas.
Engineers Week - February 19th - 25th
During the week of February 19 - 25, the engineering community celebrates Engineers Week which promotes the difference engineers make in our world.
If your section is participating in a Discover-e Engineers Week activity, we would like to know about it. Please send us pictures or use social media to link to ASNT's social media outlets. ASNT’s social media handle is @ASNTinfo on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn if you want to tag or mention ASNT and have it show on our page. To create more buzz, use these hashtags (using more than one increases reach):#ASNT and #NDT.
If you have any questions regarding social media, please contact Dana Sims, Public Relations and Brand Manager, at
Let's Talk Communication, Regional Directors!
The best way to communicate to your section members is to use the ASNT online Section Management Tool. You can use the tool to send emails to your section and to print a section roster. Because the tool is linked to the ISC’s member database, your emails will be sent to the most current roster of section members.
Regional Directors (RD) also can use the tool to send emails to their sections. RDs can send emails to either section leaders or to section leaders and section members. RDs can configure the recipient list by sections within their region. RDs can opt to send an email to all sections within their region or to any combination of sections within the region. The list of available sections is limited to those affiliated to the RDs particular region.
Submit Section News for Publication in Materials Evaluation
Earn President’s Award points by submitting a meeting summary and photographs for Section News. Submit news and photos to:
January 2017
Board Member Visits
In addition to your technical speakers, remember to invite members of the ASNT Board of directors to speak at one of your meetings. Inviting a member of the Board to visit your section provides national perspective, the latest ASNT news and offers a forum for dialog between local and national influencers. Please contact Debbie Segor: if your section is interested in scheduling a visit. These visits are coordinated through Debbie to ensure fairness to all sections requesting visits.
Nominating Committee
2017 may have just begun, but it is time to start thinking about and planning for section elections for the 2017 – 2018 section year. Reviewing your section’s bylaws is the first place to begin. Your bylaws should serve as a guide to your section’s officer election process. If your bylaws are current, which means that your section is no longer using the old constitution and bylaws format, the bylaws will contain a paragraph about member voting and the procedures for candidate nominations. Some bylaws may require the appointment of a nominating committee of which the bylaws will indicate who should serve on the committee. The bylaws may also specify the month in which the nominating committee should be presented to the section members and which month the election should take place.
To read more from this article, click here
Who’s Next? Membership Campaign
Section chairs, or if a section has a membership director, will soon be receiving the 2016 – 2017 Who’s Next? membership campaign kit. The kit will contain campaign materials, i.e., brochures, conversation starters, applications, and pens for distribution to section members to recruit new members. We encourage chairs and membership directors to explain the importance of sustaining and expanding your section’s membership. If you’re planning a recruitment kick-off at an upcoming meeting and want to recognize section members who participated in the last campaign, please contact Debbie Segor: for a list of recruiter names. Recruiters will be recognized and rewarded for their participation in the campaign. Sections will also receive a mini portable LED projector when their section reaches its assigned recruiter goal.
To read more from this article, click here
Are You A STEM Genius?
As you may have read in previous issues of Materials Evaluation or the member eNewsletters, ASNT conducts Day of Stem workshops for local students and teachers in cities where national ASNT conferences are hosted. These STEM workshops are designed to provide a fun introduction to NDT and NDT methods by providing hands-on experiments and demonstrations to show how NDT relates to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) curricula. For most students who have attended one of these workshops, it was the first time they had ever heard of NDT. You can help add impact to these STEM workshops by sharing your ideas for hands-on experiments that teach or demonstrate NDT methods and discipline. Some hands-on demos we use now include:
To read more from this article, click here
Accepting Award Nominations Now
Do you know members deserving of recognition for their contributions to NDT or the Society? If yes, nominate them for an ASNT recognition, honor or award today! Submission deadlines are fast approaching. Visit for submission timeline, eligibility requirements and to nominate.
Submit an Article to The NDT Technician
Share your stories and insights into the NDT profession by submitting a paper to The NDT Technician. Published quarterly, The NDT Technician focuses on NDT practitioners engaged in field applications of NDT. Typical themes include interpretation skills, methodology, problem-solving procedures for everyday challenges, practical applications with data and results, and technology trends. Not sure what to write about? Many of the presentations conducted at Section meetings would make great features. We will work with you on crafting a quality article that speaks to TNT readers. Contributors to The NDT Technician earn three ASNT recertification points per published paper (1000 word min.). To receive credit, the individual must have contributed at least 10 percent of the content of the paper.
Please contact TNT Editor Toni Kervina, at to submit or with any questions.
By The Numbers
20 Sections budgeted to send volunteers to a 2017 Regional Planning Meeting (RPM); the average amounted budgeted was $1500.00. At the 2015 RPM, 23 section leaders attended the meeting held in Las Vegas, NV. We are busy planning the 2017 RPMs to take place in late April and early to mid May in the following cities:
- • Chicago, IL
- • Dubai, UAE
- • Las Vegas, NV
- • Richmond, VA
More information will be available in the next few weeks.
November 2016
Section Outreach Resources
If your section is conducting section outreach by visiting schools to spread the word about NDT, don’t forget that the ASNT International Service Center (ISC) can send your section brochures and ASNT-logoed giveaways to distribute to your audience. ISC has a variety of brochures, DVDs and giveaways for audiences including elementary, middle, and high-school students as well as college students. For more information, please contact Debbie Segor at:
Use of ASNT Logos and Marks
To better assist sections and section leaders, ISC asks that sections be mindful of the use of the ASNT logos and marks. ASNT has a registered trademark, and the ASNT Board Policy G-14C explains the permissible uses of ASNT’s name and marks.
Each ASNT section may use the letter combination “ASNT”, the name “The American Society for Nondestructive Testing,” and the three-globe logo having the letters “ASNT” on their publications to section members and in connection with the promotion and conduct of ASNT events and ASNT branded activities which the section sponsors and which are in the nature of education, dissemination of ASNT published information, and professional development and for its official business related to these events and activities.
To read more from this article, click here
Section Meeting Attendance
Section leaders, ISC would like to know who is attending your section meetings, i.e., how many students are attending vs. Level 2s vs. Level 3s vs. educators vs. retired members. Use this survey form to enter the information for your September, October and November meetings. We appreciate your help in keeping track of section meeting attendance.
Who’s Next? ASNT Membership Campaign Begins.
ASNT’s membership campaign – Who’s Next? – officially began on 1 November 2016 and runs through 31 October 2017. We need our members help to answer the question, “Who’s Next?” With our members serving as recruiters, ASNT continues to grow each year expanding membership across the globe. An expanding membership strengthens sections by increasing the pool of volunteers needed to serve on committees or to work in a leadership capacity. New members bring fresh ideas, passion and enrich section and ASNT programs.
ASNT Section’s play a vital role in new member recruitment efforts. Your sections help make personal connections and put a face on ASNT. Sponsoring members who recruit new members win great prizes too. And this year, sections have the opportunity to earn a prize - a mini-led projector - when meeting their recruiter goal.
To read more from this article, click here.
Regional Director Elections for Odd-Numbered Regions
We are now accepting Regional Director (RD) candidate nominations for odd-numbered Regions. If you are a current member with local section officer experience, then you are an ideal candidate and should apply. For more information about RD responsibilities, qualifications and how to apply, please visit
Make sure your Section has the support and representation it deserves by electing (or re-electing) RD candidates today! Please submit names of the eligible members in your area by e-mail to Debbie Segor ( by Wednesday, March 1, 2017.
Member Privacy
Updates were made to the Report of Officers form to reflect the change in the Section Management Tool. Each section can designate two (2) officers who can send out emails via the section management tool and one (1) officer who can print the section roster to be used as a sign-in sheet for section meetings.
The ASNT Section Management Tool was designed with our members’ privacy in mind, email addresses are not visible to members. Protecting the personal information of our members is important, and information included in the roster should not be disclosed.
For those sections who produce a print or online yearbook, please be sure to get section member’s permission to list their name in the yearbook. Section members should be sent an email enabling them to opt out if they do not want their name included in the yearbook.
Become a Peer Reviewer
Materials Evaluation and NDTMarketplace can always use volunteer reviewers to look at feature and technical papers for technical accuracy and relevance. Reviewers should be Level III subject-matter experts. Recertification points are available for reviewing papers.
As a peer reviewer, you would use your expertise to:
- -- Review text and figures for accuracy
- -- Review text for completeness
- -- Identify areas for improving content
- -- Take quizzes and tests to ensure answers are correct and questions are worded appropriately
- -- Provide corrections and recommendations to the Publications Department
For more information,
Contact Toni Kervina, M.E. Associate Editor, NDTMarketplace Products Editor,, TEL: 800.222.2768 X205
Accepting Award Nominations Now
Deadlines are fast approaching for the Outstanding Paper in Materials Evaluation Award and the Outstanding Paper in Research in Nondestructive Evaluation Award. Submissions for each of these awards is 31 January 2017.
ASNT Awards with December deadlines include the Faculty Grant and the Student Travel Grant. The Faculty Grant provides an annual incentive to faculty members in engineering programs to revise their existing course(s) or to develop new courses to teach nondestructive testing and evaluation by providing financial resources for this purpose. Requests for grants up to $10,000 are considered.
To read more from this article, click here.
We want you to actively participate in our council which meets in person at the Annual and Spring Conferences and online via ASNT Community/Section Operations Council.
ASNT Sections 2015-2016 Review
- Of the $7,000 donated by ASNT sections for student scholarships,
Region 16 donated $4,500 or 64%. - Columbia River Section - 1 at $2,500
- Pacific Northwest Section - 2 at $1,000
Way to go Region 16!