
to the Pacific NW Section of ASNT

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Request for section related or 'Technicians at work' photos for the above slide show.
If you have section related photos (meetings or events) for the section photo history or 'Technicians at work' please forward a copy to emery100@msn.com or put on a shared dropbox. Your laboratory photos will include credit to the photographer and laboratory

Virtual meetings unless otherwise noted at link below ⮟

[Click Here for latest Meeting and Events Schedule]

Click here for Photos from ASNT 2021 Fall Conference in Phoenix, AZ.
Now accepting sponsorships for the 2021-2022 Region 16 Yearbook by clicking HERE

Link to ASNT Mission Statement and Strategic Objectives

Section Achieves Tenth consecutive President's Point Gold Award. This acheivement would not have been possible without the aide of each section member.

From the Section Leadership Manual: The President's Point Award program "is a group award, not an individual award that recognizes outstanding section management performance and serves as a roadmap for successful section operation."
What does the Pacific Northwest Section do anyway? Well, for starters we hold a Technical Meeting almost every month from September through May for our members, with the exception of those months when we offer social events. We also sponsor a Radiation Safety Seminar on one Saturday each Spring, and a Golf Scramble with BBQ Banquet held in the summertime. Due to the pandemic these meetings/events may be virtual.
You can almost always find us every 2nd Tuesday from September thru May meeting somewhere in the greater Seattle area, even virtually. All members and guests or non-members are welcome to attend and/or participate. So, be sure to check our meeting schedule herein and watch for the monthly reminder email for the place, time, and listing of topic and speaker.

As NDT Professionals we see the value and benefit of membership in ASNT everyday. Now as mentors, we need to encourage our non-member coleagues, such as those new to NDT or that have been in the profession for years but have not gotten around to joining us, to see the value and benefit that being a member will add to their career. So please do what you can to spread the word as we endeavor to grow our membership, and thereby our strength, as a profession.
CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE REGARDING MEMBERSHIP and INSURANCE BENIFITS IN ASNT including the "New NDT Professional" category at $40/year for those new to the NDT industry with 0-5 years in the NDT industry.
See page 521 of the May 2020 issue of Materials Evaluation for details.

ASNT's Pulse Blog is looking for guest bloggers. You are invited to contribute by sharing your industry knowledge on a variety of topics. From technical work to career development tips, writing blog posts provides a unique opportunity to reach the thousands of weekly visitors to ASNT’s website.
Instructions for Blog Posts:
To submit your completed blog post or for additional information, contact Cindi Leeman, Educational Materials Supervisor, at cleeman@asnt.org. Please include your completed copyright form and permission form in your submission.
ASNT Chat - Chat NDT with ASNT is a podcast from the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, showcasing interviews and information about the nondestructive testing industry, new research and technology, Society news and activities, and the unique experiences of working in the field of NDT. Featuring guests that range from scholars and practitioners to ASNT leaders.
An affiliate of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT). Statements, other expressions of opinion or fact as well as legal obligations undertaken therein are solely those of the affiliate and not of ASNT.
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