For issues connecting to a Zoom Virtual meeting
Please try these help suggestions to join if the link in the meeting notice does not connect you. The first step should be to attempt connection the day before.
If unable to join the meeting visit Zoom Support Center for useful information or try the following.
- With the link for meetings emailed to all members that provided an with email addresses attempt to log in the evening before the meeting by clicking on the link in the email. Those with problems joining meetings should go to and follow on screen instructions.
By clicking on the link in the meeting invite you should be presented with 3 options. “If you have Zoom Client installed, launch meeting. Otherwise, download and run Zoom or join from your browser".
- Complete these in the following order:
a. If you have Zoom Client installed, 'launch meeting'.
If a pop-up window is shown when selecting ‘launch meeting’ click allow or open
b. Otherwise, download and run Zoom.
c. If you cannot download or run the application, join from your browser using your email address and meeting password in email invite.
- Either of the 3 options above to join a meeting should work.
- If presented with a screen as shown below
- Select JOIN and enter meeting ID found in email invite